WIE Panel for IEEE MeAVeAS 2023 - April 27, 2022
Research experiences on the path towards gender equality in Animal and Veterinary Science
Marcella Guarino, University of Milano
The talk will present my academic career and illustrate the situation of female researchers at the University of Milan in the research area and the scientific disciplinary field they belong to.
Giuliana Parisi, University of Florence
The talk will present the salient aspects of Giuliana Parisi's academic career and will illustrate the situation of female researchers in the university and in the department, in the research area and in the disciplinary scientific sector to which they belong. Some of the experiences she has had during her research and teaching activities abroad, including in countries where women are often forced into marginal roles, will also be presented.
WIE Panel - Speakers
Marcella Guarino
University of Milano, Italy
Marcella Guarino received his doctorate in Animal Husbandry at University of Milan in 1996. Since 1992 she has been facing the big problem concerning the relation between livestock structures and the environment. Formerly she took charge of research projects focusing on the Climatization control in animal husbandry. To this purpose she has been involved in many researches and on studying committees both at regional and national level.
In 2000 she got a grant from the National Council of Research (CNR) to develop a research in the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering of University of Minnesota – USA, under the supervision of Prof. Larry D. Jacobson. Joining the Department Environmental and Policy Science she is carried out her scientific activity at the Bioengineering and Environment Laboratory working on researches addressed to environmental problem, air indoor quality, and Precision livestock farming. She is the coordinator of the Ph.D. school in Environmental Science. She coordinates a research staff of 7 people and the group research activities mainly concern on the animal welfare in relation to air quality, she was in charge of a big national project to monitor PM10, ammonia, methane and nitrose oxide from pig and poultry farms, to implement the national inventory of emissions and the study of environmental control techniques (to abate dusts gases and odors) are being studied for use on farms to increase production and improve the health and safety of the animals and workers.
She was also the leader of a project sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Environment (APAT), to fill the lack of data in the European country on PM10 emission from swine and poultry barns: this study allowed establishing the development of mathematical dynamic models for the emission factor assessment. To this purpose the research focused the cleaning level of various materials commonly used to build walls and floors by evaluating the colonization and persistence power of some typical bacteria after washing. The experimental activity also focused the relations between type of building (with particular attention to the slurry removal system) and the indoor air quality.
She is involved in studying the problems connected with innovation technology in livestock farming with reference both to the design aspects of the animal sheds and to their implications on the shed's indoor air quality. Afterwards she deepened the aspects connected to environmental impact of livestock farming by studying both gas/dust emissions in atmosphere and the reduction of nitrogen content in farm sludge to be used for agronomic purpose. More recently she was focusing on PLF studying the application of possible innovative solutions for the automatic monitoring of the animal health and welfare conditions in livestock farming.
Giuliana Parisi
University of Florence, Italy
Giuliana Parisi obtained a Classical High School Diploma and a Degree in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Florence, licensed to practise as an Agronomist and obtained her PhD in Animal Science. Since 1st October 2017 she has held the position of full professor at University of Florence. Contact person for the PhD curriculum in Aquatic and Terrestrial Animal Production and Product Quality, within the PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the School of Agriculture, then Director of the School of Agriculture in 2014 and 2015 and now member of the PhD course in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at University of Florence. She has been tutor for pre- and post-graduate internships, both in Italy and abroad, supervisor and co-rapporteur for a total of more than 80 students, including 1st level, Master's degree students for courses of study pertaining to the Faculty/School of Agriculture and the three-year degree course in Biology at the University of Florence. She has been supervisor of a total of 14 PhD students who have obtained their degrees in the Doctorates activated at the Faculty/School of Agriculture of the University of Florence, two of whom have obtained their doctoral degrees in co-tutorship with two different universities in France and two of whom have obtained the title of Doctor Europaeus, and she was co-supervisor of a PhD student in Animal Ethology and Ecology at the University of Florence.
Member of the Commission for the final defence of PhD in Italy (University of Pisa, Torino, Padova, Bologna, Sassari, ...) and abroad (Trondheim University-NTNU, Norway; Norwegian College of Fishery Science, The Arctic University-UiT, Tromsø, Norway; University of San Paolo, Brazil; Centro de Aqüicultura dell’Universidade Estadual Paulista/UNESP of Jaboticabal, Brazil; Universidade Estadual de Maringá-UEM, Brazil). She is currently President of the Master's Degree Course in Agricultural Science and Technology (2nd term) and Vice-President of the Master's Degree Course in Food Science and Technology (3rd term). Her research activities cover different topics regarding fish production, such as fish welfare, more sustainable farming techniques, use of non-conventional protein sources, quality of the final product of fish and shellfish. Her research activities have taken place in collaboration with companies in the region of Tuscany and beyond, and with numerous Italian, European and non-European research institutions (IFREMER of Brest and of St Pèe sur Nivelle, France; Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC) of Vigo, Spain; Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR), in Porto, Portugal; Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco-UFRPE, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco-UFPE, Universidade Estadual de Maringá-UEM, Universidade Federal do Paraná-UFPR in Brazil; ..). She has participated in research projects funded by national organizations (FISR, MIUR, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tuscany Region) and by the EU (V and VI Framework Program; COST Action FA1305) and by Brazil (CNPq , CAPES) and she is currently responsible for a project financed by the AICS (Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which is carrying out in Cuba and that is aimed at the valorisation of agro-industry residues for the production of feed to be used in aquaculture, and of the LIFE Project EU SHARKS.
Italian representative in WEFTA (West European Fish Technologist’s Association) organization (since 2015). Her research activity is documented by over 400 articles published as short or long abstracts in proceedings of national and international congresses, or published in Italian and international journals with Impact Factor, or as book chapters.
WIE Panelists
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Stefania Pindozzi is Associate Professor of Rural buildings and Agro-forest Land Planning, (AGR/10) at the Department of Agricultural Science, University of Naples Federico II. She holds a Ph.D. in Science and Technologies for Environmental and Forest Management at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo (Italy) and she has completed graduate studies in Environmental Engineering, with honor, at the University of Naples Federico II. In 2017 she was granted FFARB funds from the Italian ANVUR agency. In 2018 she has obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor. Since 2020, she is a member of the following centers: BAT Center – Interuniversity Center for Studies on Bioinspired Agro-Environmental Technology, hosted by the University of Naples Federico II; the Interdepartmental Laboratory of Territorial Planning (LUPT), University of Naples Federico II, the Task Force on Smart and Sustainable Mobility (SUM) of University of Naples Federico II. Her main research activities deal with: i) Manure management optimal strategies aimed at the reduction of environmental impact; ii) Ammonia emission assessment after animal manure application to the soil, with special attention to the implementation of innovative measurement techniques; iii) Land use change models for scenario analysis to assess ex-ante or ex-post landscape management strategies; iv) Implementation of spatial multi-criteria decision analysis combined with ecological indicators to support landscape management; v) Energy crops spatial allocation and their potential environmental impact. Research activities are carried out in the open field or in small-scale experiments, as well as with the use of software (ESRI ArcMap, InVest, etc.) according to the different research purposes.
Claudia CONTE
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Claudia Conte received the M.Sc. degree with laude in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2019, and the Ph.D. degree in Technology, Innovation and Management from the University of Naples Federico II and the University of Bergamo in 2023. She is a research fellow at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. Her research activities are focused on the standardization of core enabling guidance, navigation, and control technologies for autonomous transport systems. Her research interests also include on-board integrated navigation systems, Unmanned Traffic Management, and Urban Air Mobility systems.
Roberta DI PACE
University of Salerno, Italy
Roberta Di Pace is associate professor in Transportation Engineering at the Dep. of Civil Eng. of the UNISA. She is member of several boards at the Dep. of Civil Eng. of the UNISA and since 2019 she is also member of the board of on Risk and Sustainability in Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Systems. She is supervisor and co-supervisor of several BSc and MSc students and also PhD Students. Since 2010 she is a member of the “Sustainable Transport and Mobility” laboratory at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno. She has been involved in several research projects at international (COST) and national level (PRIN, POR, Centro nazionale per la mobilità sostenibile – CCAM and smart infrastructures). She has more than 15 years of experience in research and management with special focus on: intelligent transportation systems; traveller information systems; discrete choice models and paradigms for travel behavior analysis and modelling; paradigms for traveller learning process modelling; traffic management and control; within - day traffic flow modelling; models and algorithms for travel demand assignment to congested transportation networks, smart/sustainable mobility; transportation impacts . She is a board member of IEEE ITSC Italian Chapter, IEEE WIE AG Italy Section and the association of the Italian Society of professors in transportation fields (SIDT). She is a member of the communication team and webmaster of the WIE Affinity Group - Italy Section.