From feed to food: assessment of quality, impact and welfare in animal production
Aristide Maggiolino
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari "A. Moro"
Pasquale De Palo
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari "A. Moro"
Animal-based food products constitute a significant portion of the current human consumption. Data from animal-production researchers demonstrate that the quality of these products is directly related to animal feeding practices and to animal welfare. Moreover, livestock production face a number of challenges including pressure from the public to be good environmental stewards and to adopt welfare-friendly practices. Therefore, the ingredients used in animal feed and the animal management are fundamentally important in terms of both the quality of the resulting food products and the potential human health impacts associated with the animal-based food-production chain.
This session aims to give space to all measurement activities finalized to the assessment of the qualitative parameters that become part of all the production processes of animal-based products, from feed to food, of the environmental impact and animal welfare.
Aristide Maggiolino
Education and Profession: Graduated in Veterinary Medicine, PhD in Animal Health and Zoonosis, Specialized in Milk Hygiene and Quality, Associate professor in Animal Science (SSD AGR 19) at the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bari “A. Moro”. He carries out didactic and practical activities Veterinary students, Animal Science students and Foods of animal origin safety and health students.
Teaching assignments: animal science disciplines at the postgraduate school in reproductive pathophysiology and postgraduate school in infection diseases,
Research: leadership and participation of numerous research projects funded by private companies and public ministerial and international bodies regarding livestock breeding. He is author of more than 70 international and Indexed papers. Speaker at national and international conferences and reviewer for numerous scientific journals. He is a member of the ASPA welfare committee
Pasquale De Palo
Education and Profession: Graduated in Veterinary Medicine, Full professor in Animal Science (SSD AGR 19) at the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bari “A. Moro”. He carries out didactic and practical activities Veterinary students, Animal Science students and Foods of animal origin safety and health students.
Teaching assignments: animal science disciplines at the postgraduate school in reproductive pathophysiology and postgraduate school in infection diseases.
Research: leadership and participation of numerous research projects funded by private companies and public ministerial and international bodies regarding livestock breeding. He is author of more than 90 international and Indexed papers. Speaker at national and international conferences and reviewer for numerous scientific journals. He is a member of the ASPA PLF and welfare committee and o of the EAAP Horse commission.