Use of Drones with Pets, Farmstock, and Wildlife
Domenico Accardo
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Giorgio de Alteriis
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Claudia Conte
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Drones are often used to support surveillance, drug and food disposal, monitoring and video footage of pets, farmstock and wildlife. This includes interactions with birds, big felines, cows, and dogs. Anyway, special prescriptions shall be considered when remotely piloted vehicles shall have interactions with living creatures. This session is dedicated to papers describig this type of interaction and suggesting original solutions for improving the performance of drone missions while respecting the regulations.
Domenico Accardo
is Professor for the topics of Avionics and Air Traffic Management at Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II UNINA and at Italian Air Force Academy. He has been Principal Investigator for several research projects in the fields of Sensors and Systems for Guidance, Navigation, and Control, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, and Air Traffic Management. He has published more than 100 indexed articles for International Journals and International Conferences. He has been Chair for Sensor Systems and Information Fusion Technical Committee SSIF-TC of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA. He is responsible of Laboratory of Innovative Flight Technologies LIFT that is devoted to Research and Technology Transfer activities at UNINA. He is Chair of the Degree Course in Management of Aerospace Systems for Defense in cooperation between UNINA and Italian Air Force Academy.
Giorgio de Alteriis
is a post-doc researcher at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII) and Advanced
Metrological and Technological Services Center (CeSMA) from the University of Naples Federico II. He
received his Ph.D. degree in Technology, Innovation, and Management from the University of Naples
Federico II (DII) and the University of Bergamo (at the Department of Management, Information and
Production Engineering) in 2022. He received his M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from the University
of Naples Federico II, at DII, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DIETI). His Ph.D.
studies focused on mechanical and thermal measurements and navigation and guidance control using
MEMS technology for inertial navigation, both for measurements and data fusion algorithms. His research
activity is currently focused on innovative methods based on a redundant MEMS IMU configuration for bias
and drift compensation, on the research of innovative techniques for accurate attitude measurements of
manned and unmanned aircraft, on the realization of microcontroller and sensor-based solutions for IoTdistributed monitoring systems, and on the use of 5G-based technologies for accurate position
Claudia Conte
received the M.S. degree with full marks and honors in Aerospace Engineering from the
University of Naples Federico II in 2019. From October 2019 she is involved in the Ph.D. Program in
Technology, Innovation and Management at University of Naples Federico II and University of Bergamo.
She was a visiting PhD student at Stanford University for four months in 2022. Her research activities are
focused on the standardization of core enabling guidance, navigation, and control technologies for
autonomous transport systems. Her research interests also include integrated navigation systems for
unmanned vehicles and solutions for Unmanned Traffic Management. She is a member of AIAA and IEEE,
and IEEE Women in Engineering.