Remote control and digital measurements in poultry production
Cesare Castellini
University of Perugia, Italy
Fulvia Bovera
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
In poultry production, animal management and control are essential to assure birds’ health, welfare and quality of poultry products. Innovative solutions based on digital technologies help farmers and scientist to control environmental conditions, to monitor bird welfare and health, without stressing them. Indeed, human presence in the poultry house is always very stressful but necessary to detect animal conditions. With the help of remote control, robots and sensors, any issues, diseases or problems can be detected at early stages and avoided or corrected.
Prof. Cesare Castellini
Associate Professor at the Agricultural Faculty of Perugia University and Department of Agricultural Food and Environmental Science Perugia University. Produced about 460 papers, reviews, chapter of book, monografies, proceedings; 192 papers are recorded by ISI (Scopus H index =38, 4,745 citations). He presented many communications, reviews and invited papers at National and International Congresses. He was Editor of Italian Journal of Animal Science and now Editor of Animals. Member of several Scientific associations: Associazione Scientifica di Produzione animale, WRSA (World Rabbit Science Association) and WPSA (World Poultry Science Association). President of Italian branch of WRSA until 2021. Member of the Technical Commission of AIA (Association of Italian Breeders) who establishes the scheme for the genetic improvement and safeguard in rabbit and local poultry breeds.
Prof. Fulvia Bovera
Associate Professor at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, University of Napoli Federico II produced 142 papers are recorded by ISI (Scopus H index =30; 3,126 citations). She’is Associate Editor of Italian Journal of Animal Science and member of several Scientific associations: Associazione Scientifica di Produzione animale, WPSA (World Poultry Science Association) and Associazione Italiana di Coniglicoltura (ASIC). She was listed in 2020, 2021 and 2022 among the “top 2% of scientists in the world” and among the Top Animal Science and Veterinary Scientists (first edition, 2021).